engaging the affluent audience
A refreshing approach
The hyper affluent wealth group within AIG has been targeting their primary prospect audience using direct mail and email to build awareness and drive in-bound leads to their call center and captive agents. After years of using the same creative package and purchased lists, AIG turned to RMG to test new creative, new lists and a new approach.

the challenge
Recognizing that affluent audiences are difficult to incentivize to respond, our creative approach centered on critical themes that would resonate with the audience – coverage levels, value, customer service and lifestyle.
the strategy
RMG maintains a normative data file of over 150 million households from which we can source purchased lists and select criteria that aligns with our client’s target audience. Leveraging our previous experience, we built clone models using existing AIG customers and then scored our prospect universe against the response model. This allowed us to select fresh prospects for AIG campaign testing.
the solution
Our analysis identified the top 2-3 deciles from our response models, allowing us to develop campaigns focused on those prospects that were 10-30% more likely to respond. The campaign generated very significant response – to agents and to the internal call center, producing the highest net response rate and booking rate in 8 years.
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