Data is like gold to a marketer. . . Yet 76% of marketers don’t make use of data in their online marketing and targeting. As visitors returned in 2021 to pre-pandemic levels, destinations had an opportunity to capture post-COVID travel data that will pay dividends in 2021.
While basic data maintenance may not be “sexy,” it’s a critical function that drives increased ROI for your marketing. After performing data hygiene, appending and enhancement you are ready to communicate with your inquirers and visitors at a personal and informed level. According to McKinsey & Co “Seventy-one percent of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions. And seventy-six percent get frustrated when this doesn’t happen.”
2021 should represent a learning year for all of us – You can throw those 2018-2019 strategies away. While some facets of your pre-pandemic marketing plan has merit, the travel world shake-up will have lasting impact over the next few years.
Put your new enhanced data to work for you this year and watch your visitation rates increase. Contact us to get started.